...by STATE AFFAIRS PROCUREMENT - Amends existing law to revise procedures for procurement of public works construction by a political subdivision; and for procuring services or personal property by a political subdivision to provide that once the bid is awarded, all bids and bid documents shall be open to public inspection pursuant to the public records act. 03/05 03/06 03/16 03/20 03/21 ...
...by COMMERCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES STATE PROCUREMENT - Repeals, amends and adds to existing law to recodify state purchasing ...laws into a new State Procurement Act. 02/26 02/29 03/02 03/03 03/07 03/08 ...
...STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS27572 / H0447 This legislation amends Section 67-5711C, Idaho Code, to increase procurement cost estimate limits to be consistent with other sections of Idaho Code. FISCAL NOTE This legislation is administrative in nature and has no impact on state or local governments. Contact: Representative Julianne Young (208) 332-1000 DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative process,...
... 41 (d) The subject matter of proposed legislation and the number of each 42 senate or house bill, resolution, memorial or other legislative activ- 43 ity or any rule, ratemaking decision, procurement, contract, bid or bid 44 process, financial services agreement or bond in which the lobbyist has 45 been engaged in supporting or opposing during the reporting period;...
...attorney for 7 health care, physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form, or DNR 8 order pursuant to this chapter shall not restrict, inhibit or impair in 9 any manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life in- 10 surance, nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an existing pol- 11 icy of life insurance....
...attorney for 7 health care, physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form, or DNR 8 order pursuant to this chapter shall not restrict, inhibit or impair in 9 any manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life in- 10 surance, nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an existing pol- 11 icy of life insurance....
...state agency or 15 other political subdivision, in whatever form issued, including, but 16 not limited to, an invitation to bid, request for proposals, request 17 for information or request for quotes, inviting bids, quotes or other 18 types of submittals, through a competitive procurement process or an- 19 other process authorized by law waiving competitive procurement. 20 (k) "Subcontractor" means any person, business entity or nonprofit or- 21 ganization that contracts to perform part or all of ...
... 39 (3) Information and records submitted to the Idaho state lottery for 40 the performance of background investigations of employees, lottery retail- 41 ers and major procurement contractors; audit records of lottery retailers, 42 vendors and major procurement contractors submitted to or performed by the 2 1 Idaho state lottery; validation and security tests of the state lottery for 2 lottery games; business records and information submitted pursuant to sec- 3 tions 67-7412(8) and (9) ...
... 39 (3) Information and records submitted to the Idaho state lottery for 40 the performance of background investigations of employees, lottery retail- 41 ers and major procurement contractors; audit records of lottery retailers, 42 vendors and major procurement contractors submitted to or performed by the 2 1 Idaho state lottery; validation and security tests of the state lottery for 2 lottery games; business records and information submitted pursuant to sec- 3 tions 67-7412(8) and (9) ...
... 2 1 (3) Information and records submitted to the Idaho state lottery for 2 the performance of background investigations of employees, lottery retail- 3 ers and major procurement contractors; audit records of lottery retailers, 4 vendors and major procurement contractors submitted to or performed by the 5 Idaho state lottery; validation and security tests of the state lottery for 6 lottery games; business records and information submitted pursuant to sec- 7 tions 67-7412(8) and (9) and ...