...GIFT OR REFUSAL, TO SET FORTH RIGHTS AND DUTIES 19 OF PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHERS, TO PROVIDE FOR COORDINATION OF ... 20 PROCUREMENT AND USE, TO PROHIBIT THE SALE OR PURCHASE OF PARTS, TO PRO- 21 HIBIT OTHER ACTS, ...HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVE, TO 25 REQUIRE COOPERATION BETWEEN THE CORONER AND PROCUREMENT ORGANIZATION, TO 26 PROVIDE FOR THE FACILITATION OF ... 43 (16) "Organ procurement organization" means a person designated by the 44 secretary of the United States department of health ...and human services as an 45 organ procurement organization. 46 (17) "Parent" means a parent whose ...
...by COMMERCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES STATE PROCUREMENT - Repeals, amends and adds to existing law to recodify state purchasing ...laws into a new State Procurement Act. 02/26 02/29 03/02 03/03 03/07 03/08 ...
...NEW SECTION 67-2802A, IDAHO CODE, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINA- 10 TION IN PROCUREMENT; AMENDING SECTION 67-2809, IDAHO CODE, TO ...PROHIBIT 11 DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT; AND AMENDING SECTION 67-9210, IDAHO 12 CODE, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT. ... DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT PROHIBITED. Political subdi- 11 visions of the state of Idaho in their procurements governed by ...of the legislature to provide for the 20 efficient and cost-effective procurement of goods and services by political 21 subdivisions as ...
... DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT PROHIBITED. Political subdi- 18 visions of the state of Idaho in their procurements governed by this chapter 19 shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any in- 20 dividual or group ... (1) It is the intent of the legislature to provide for the 27 efficient and cost-effective procurement of goods and services by political 28 subdivisions as market participants. 29 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision found in chapter 10,...A 35 NEW SECTION 67-2802A, IDAHO CODE, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION IN PROCURE- 36 MENT; AMENDING SECTION 67-2809, IDAHO CODE, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION IN 37 PROCUREMENT; AND AMENDING SECTION 67-9210, IDAHO CODE, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIM- 38 INATION IN PROCUREMENT". ...
...45 Public works, projects, procurement cost estimates H0447 Back to Top ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACTADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT ...
...ser- 2 1 vices may include: accounts receivable and payable, accounting, data proc- 2 essing, distribution management, employee benefit plan, financial and 3 securities accounting, information technology, insurance, legal, merchan- 4 dising, payroll, personnel, purchasing/procurement, planning, reporting 5 and compliance, tax, treasury, or other headquarters-related services. 6 (c) "Idaho income tax act" means chapter ...
...attorney for 7 health care, physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form, or DNR 8 order pursuant to this chapter shall not restrict, inhibit or impair in 9 any manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life in- 10 surance, nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an existing pol- 11 icy of life insurance....
...attorney for 7 health care, physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form, or DNR 8 order pursuant to this chapter shall not restrict, inhibit or impair in 9 any manner the sale, procurement or issuance of any policy of life in- 10 surance, nor shall it be deemed to modify the terms of an existing pol- 11 icy of life insurance....
... 41 (d) The subject matter of proposed legislation and the number of each 42 senate or house bill, resolution, memorial or other legislative activ- 43 ity or any rule, ratemaking decision, procurement, contract, bid or bid 44 process, financial services agreement or bond in which the lobbyist has 45 been engaged in supporting or opposing during the reporting period;...
...by STATE AFFAIRS PROCUREMENT - Amends existing law to revise procedures for procurement of public works construction by a political subdivision; and for procuring services or personal property by a political subdivision to provide that once the bid is awarded, all bids and bid documents shall be open to public inspection pursuant to the public records act. 03/05 03/06 03/16 03/20 03/21 ...