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25 Sep 2024
3 hits
...is not a United States citizen and is legally in the United States, the application must also require any alien or admission number issued to the applicant by United States immigration and customs enforcement or any successor agency; (b) The license application may ask the applicant to disclose his social security number but must indicate that ... If the applicant is not a United States citizen, an immigration alien query must also be conducted through United States immigration and customs enforcement or any successor agency. The sheriff shall not issue a license before receiving the results of the records check and must deny a license if the applicant is disqualified under any of the criteria ...
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25 Sep 2024
3 hits
... immigration and customs enforcement, or any successor agency; (b) The license application may ask the applicant to disclose his social security number but must indicate that disclosure of the applicant’s social security number is optional; and (c) The license application must contain a warning that substantially reads as follows: ... citizen, an immigration alien query must also be conducted through U.S. immigration and customs enforcement or any successor agency. The sheriff shall not issue a license before receiving and reviewing the results of the records check. (4) The sheriff must deny an enhanced license to carry a concealed weapon if the applicant ...
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25 Sep 2024
3 hits
...out TITLE 19 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CHAPTER 61 COMPLIANCE WITH IMMIGRATION LAW 19-6103. COMPLAINT — EQUITABLE RELIEF. (1) Any person, including the federal government, may file a complaint with the attorney general if the person offers evidence to support an allegation that a governmental entity has adopted, enforced, or endorsed a policy under which ...the entity prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws or that the entity, by consistent actions, prohibits or discourages the enforcement of those laws. The person must include with the complaint the evidence the person has that supports the complaint. (2) If the attorney general determines that a complaint filed under subsection ...the principal office of the entity is located, to compel the entity that adopts, enforces, or endorses a policy under which the governmental entity prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws or that, by consistent actions, prohibits or discourages the enforcement of those laws to comply with section 19-6102, Idaho Code. The attorney general may ...
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25 Sep 2024
7 hits
...tribal document; (vi) A copy of an executive office of immigration review, immigration judge or board of immigration appeals ...asylee status; (vii) A copy of an executive office of immigration review, immigration judge or board of immigration appeals ...in the United States; (viii) Any United States citizenship and immigration service issued document showing refugee or asylee status or ...
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25 Sep 2024
10 hits
...out TITLE 19 CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CHAPTER 61 COMPLIANCE WITH IMMIGRATION LAW 19-6102. LOCAL GOVERNMENT POLICY REGARDING IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT. (...under which the entity prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws. (2) In compliance with ...from doing any of the following: (a) Inquiring into the immigration status of a person under a lawful detention or ...under arrest; (b) With respect to information relating to the immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any person ...requesting or receiving the information from, United States citizenship and immigration services or United States immigration and customs enforcement, ...
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