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This bill appropriates $64,620,900 to the Department of Environmental Quality for fiscal year
2016 and caps the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions at 368. It includes
funding for the increased costs of health insurance and accounts for a small increase in statewide
cost allocation. It provides $476,300 for replacement items including personal computers,
wireless equipment, switches, software upgrades, air quality monitoring equipment, water quality
monitoring equipment, radiological monitoring equipment, and two of the department's 105
vehicles. This bill includes an ongoing 3% merit-based increase in employee compensation for
permanent employees to be distributed at the discretion of the director. There are two fund shifts
from federal funds to the General Previous DocumentFund inNext Document the amount of $28,900 for benefits and $84,900 in CEC.
There is also $2,600 from the General Fund and $2,500 in federal funds included in the CEC
figure to bring six employees up to 70% of policy.
The bill funds five line items. The Department has roughed out an eight-year scope, schedule and
budget to take over primacy of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Costs at
full build-out in 2022 are estimated at 26 full-time positions and $2.7 million. The first line item
includes funding for the second year of the process and includes three full-time equivalent positions
from the General Fund as follows: $81,500 for salary and benefits for one compliance monitoring
and enforcement lead; $75,000 for salary and benefits for one database coordinator; and $74,900
for salary and benefits for one permit specialist. The bill also provides $30,000 for travel, office
supplies, and rent costs for a total of $261,400 ongoing.
The second line item is $85,200 ongoing from the General Fund to hire an additional air quality
analyst. The department will reclassify a vacant unfunded position. This position will provide the
support needed to respond to a series of Environmental Protection Agency proposed greenhouse
gas emission rules and to develop a statewide plan to meet carbon reduction goals.
The third line item provides $33,700 in additional ongoing support for the Lake Pend Oreille, Pend
Oreille River, Priest Lake and Priest River commission. It includes $23,000 for a 20 hour per week
assistant coordinator, $1,000 for travel, $1,000 for supplies, and $8,700 for overhead.
The fourth line item is recurring and transfers $1.5 million from the Water Pollution Control Fund to
the Environmental Remediation Fund. These annual transfers are anticipated for the next 11 years
as we build up the match for cleanup of the Coeur d'Alene Basin. Legislative intent is included
requiring an annual report regarding progress of the Coeur d'Alene Basin remediation. Legislative
intent is also included regarding uses of the Water Pollution Control Fund.
The last line item authorizes the conversion of long-term, benefitted, part-time group positions to
7.0 permanent, part-time FTP. The conversion will provide transparency on the size of the state
workforce, assist the agency to properly budget for health insurance increases and changes in
employee compensation, and extend protections to many long-term state employees.
The budget is a 5.2% increase in the General Fund and a 2.5% decrease in all funds. The overall
decrease is due to the removal of unneeded dedicated and federal appropriations.
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note
FY 2015 Original Appropriation
1. Environmental Cleanup
FY 2015 Total Appropriation
Removal of One-Time Expenditures
Base Adjustments
FY 2016 Base
Benefit Costs
Replacement Items
Statewide Cost Allocation
Change in Employee Compensation
FY 2016 Program Maintenance
1. Idaho Pollutant Discharge
2. Air Quality Program Analyst
3. Lakes Commission Support
4. Cash Transfer WPCF to Env.
5. Convert Group Positions to
Cash Transfers
Standard Legislative Intent
FY 2016 Total
Chg from FY 2015 Orig Approp
% Chg from FY 2015 Orig Approp.
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
358.00 15,636,200 11,321,500 39,349,200 66,306,900
0.00 0 500,000
358.00 15,636,200 11,821,500 39,349,200 66,806,900
0.00 (378,300) (66,600) (333,400) (778,300)
0.00 0 (1,200,000) (2,000,000) (3,200,000)
358.00 15,257,900 10,554,900 37,015,800 62,828,600
0.00 126,200 43,000 66,500 235,700
0.00 295,800 16,600 163,900 476,300
0.00 16,000 (1,900) (7,700)
0.00 373,400 125,400 194,800 693,600
358.00 16,069,300 10,738,000 37,433,300 64,240,600
3.00 261,400
0 0
0.00 85,200
0 0
0.00 33,700
0 0
0.00 0 1,500,000
7.00 0 0 0 0
0.00 0 (1,500,000)
0.00 0 0 0 0
368.00 16,449,600 10,738,000 37,433,300 64,620,900
10.00 813,400 (583,500) (1,915,900) (1,686,000)
5.2% (5.2%) (4.9%) (2.5%)
Ray Houston
Budget and Policy Analysis
(208) 334-4741
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note