HTML Raw Codes Section 50-1504 – Idaho State Legislaturepecnv.out

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50-1504.  Board of police retirement fund commissioners — Election — Term of office — Duties. The city council of any city, having elected to establish a policeman’s retirement fund, together with three (3) members of the police department, shall constitute the board of the police retirement fund commissioners. Each police department member, to be eligible for board membership, must be (a) a participating member of the fund; and (b) either on active duty or retired from the department and drawing benefits from the fund. For the purposes of this section "participating member" means any active member of the police department who contributes to the fund, or any retired member of the police department who receives benefits from the fund. The three (3) members from the police department shall be elected at an election held every two (2) years after the adoption of the provisions of sections 50-1501 through 50-1524, Idaho Code, and in the manner herein provided. In the event that the number of participating members eligible for board membership is limited to two (2) or fewer, a member may hold more than one (1) position on the board simultaneously.
Not more than thirty (30) nor less than fifteen (15) days preceding the date fixed by law for general city elections, written notice of the nomination of any participating member of said police department for membership on said board may be filed with the secretary thereof. Each petition of nomination shall be signed by not less than three (3) participating members of said police department, and nothing herein contained shall prevent any participating member of a police department from signing more than three (3) petitions of nomination. Said election shall be held on a date fixed by the secretary of the board, and shall not be less than five (5) days nor more than ten (10) days before the date fixed by law for the election as aforesaid. Notices of the dates upon which said petitions may be filed and of the date fixed for the election of members to said board shall be given by the secretary by posting written notices thereof in a prominent place in the police headquarters of said city and by mailing written notices to each participating fund member. For the purpose of said election, the secretary shall prepare and furnish by mail printed or typewritten ballots in the usual form, containing the names of all persons regularly nominated for membership. Each participating member of said police department shall be entitled to vote in person or by mail for three (3) persons as members of said board. The chief of police of the department shall appoint two (2) members of the department, one (1) of which may be the secretary of the fund, to act as clerks at the election, which shall open at 8 o’clock A.M., and remain open so long thereafter, not exceeding twelve (12) hours, as will afford an opportunity for each person entitled to vote. The three (3) nominees receiving the highest number of votes in ballots cast in person and by mail in said election shall be declared elected and their terms shall commence on the same date as that of the mayor of said city.
Said board shall provide for the disbursement of such retirement fund and shall designate the beneficiaries thereof as provided in sections 50-1501 through 50-1524, Idaho Code.

[50-1504, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 256, p. 1249; am. 1987, ch. 73, sec. 1, p. 144.]

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