HTML Raw Codes Section 19-6101 – Idaho State Legislaturepecnv.out

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19-6101.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
(1)  "Peace officer" means any employee of a police or law enforcement agency that is a part of, or administered by, the state or any political subdivision thereof and whose duties include and primarily consist of the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcement of penal, traffic, or highway laws of this state or any political subdivision. Peace officer also means an employee of a police or law enforcement agency of a federally recognized Indian tribe who has satisfactorily completed the peace officer standards and training academy and has been deputized by a sheriff of a county or a chief of police of a city of the state of Idaho.
(2)  "Policy" means a formal, written rule, order, ordinance, or policy and an informal, unwritten policy.
(3)  "Political subdivision" means any county, city, municipal corporation, health district, school district, irrigation district, operating agent of any irrigation district whose board consists of directors of its member districts, special improvement or taxing district, or any other political subdivision or public corporation. As used in this chapter, "county" and "city" also mean state-licensed hospitals and attached nursing homes established by counties pursuant to chapter 36, title 31, Idaho Code, or jointly by cities and counties pursuant to chapter 37, title 31, Idaho Code.
(4)  "State" means the state of Idaho or any office, department, agency, authority, commission, board, institution, hospital, college, university, or other instrumentality thereof.

[(19-6101) 19-6001, added 2023, ch. 263, sec. 1, p. 788; am. and redesig. 2024, ch. 16, sec. 4, p. 136.]

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