HTML Raw Codes Section 19-6103 – Idaho State Legislaturepecnv.out

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19-6103.  COMPLAINT — EQUITABLE RELIEF. (1) Any person, including the federal government, may file a complaint with the attorney general if the person offers evidence to support an allegation that a governmental entity has adopted, enforced, or endorsed a policy under which the entity prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws or that the entity, by consistent actions, prohibits or discourages the enforcement of those laws. The person must include with the complaint the evidence the person has that supports the complaint.
(2)  If the attorney general determines that a complaint filed under subsection (1) of this section against a governmental entity is valid, the attorney general may file a petition for a writ of mandamus or apply for other appropriate equitable relief in a district court in Ada county, or in a county in which the principal office of the entity is located, to compel the entity that adopts, enforces, or endorses a policy under which the governmental entity prohibits or discourages the enforcement of immigration laws or that, by consistent actions, prohibits or discourages the enforcement of those laws to comply with section 19-6102, Idaho Code. The attorney general may recover reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining relief under this subsection, including court costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, investigative costs, witness fees, and deposition costs.

[(19-6103) 19-6003, added 2023, ch. 263, sec. 1, p. 789; am. and redesig. 2024, ch. 16, sec. 4, p. 137.]

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