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Showing 11 to 20 of 30 (373 hits)  
24 Jan 2020
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... It will also be used to engage in education and support of adoption as a positive choice for women thus encouraging alternatives to abortion. A three-member advisory committee will allocate funds received to qualifying organizations who submit acceptable applications for grant money. FISCAL NOTE This bill has no fiscal impact on the General Fund. All costs of administering the specialty plate program by the Idaho Transportation Department will be paid by the purchaser of the plates. Contact: Senator Regina M. Bayer (986) 200-8701 DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal ...
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24 Jan 2020
3 hits
...STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS27326 / H0361 This legislation would end all legal abortion in Idaho, without exception. It provides legislative intent, repeals a section of Idaho code that prohibits the prosecution of abortion as murder, defines terms, directs the Attorney General to enforce State law regardless of any contrary court opinions, and provides prosecuting discretion.... This legislation asserts Idaho's lawful authority to ignore the Federal Judiciary's unconstitutional abortion jurisprudence. FISCAL NOTE The proposed legislation will have no fiscal impact to the general fund, state, or local governments because the legislation just changes a criminal policy. Contact: Representative Heather Scott (208) 332-1000 DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose ...
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27 Feb 2020
1 hit
... It would not be a 31 violation under this subsection for a nurse to continue a sexual rela- 32 tionship with a spouse or individual of majority if a consensual sexual 33 relationship existed prior to the establishment of the nurse-patient 34 relationship; or 35 (l) Failure to comply with the requirements of the abortion complica- 36 tions reporting act, chapter 95, title 39, Idaho Code. 37 (2) Separate offense. Each day an individual violates any of the provi- 38 sions of this chapter or rules and standards of conduct and practice as may be 39 adopted ...
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20 Feb 2020
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... It would not be a 33 violation under this subsection for a nurse to continue a sexual rela- 34 tionship with a spouse or individual of majority if a consensual sexual 35 relationship existed prior to the establishment of the nurse-patient 36 relationship; or 37 (l) Failure to comply with the requirements of the abortion complica- 38 tions reporting act, chapter 95, title 39, Idaho Code. 39 (2) Separate offense. Each day an individual violates any of the provi- 40 sions of this chapter or rules and standards of conduct and practice as may be 41 adopted ...
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25 Sep 2024
93 hits
... 196 – Abortion, informed consent HOUSE BILL NO. 196 View Bill Status View Bill Text View Statement of Purpose ...by EDUCATION ABORTION - Adds to and repeals existing law to recodify and revise the informed consent provisions of the ...state's law regulating abortion. 02/11 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/14 Rpt prt - ... 196 BY EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO ABORTION; REPEALING SECTION 18-609, IDAHO CODE; AMENDING TITLE 18,...the psychological and physical well-being of a 25 woman considering an abortion that she receive complete and accurate 26 information on ...
25 Sep 2024
1 hit
... Full Bill Information Individual Links: Bill Text Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Legislative Co-sponsors HR005 by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ABORTION – States findings of the Idaho House of Representatives recognizing and designating January 22 as the Day of Tears in Idaho. 01/18 Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing 01/19 Reported Printed; Filed for Second Reading 01/20 Read second time; Filed for Third Reading 01/21 U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar until Monday, January 24, 2022 01/24 U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar until Wednesday, January 26, 2022 01/26 Read Third Time in Full – ADOPTED - 48-20-2 AYES – Adams, Addis, Amador, Andrus, ...
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25 Sep 2024
3 hits
... 19 (2) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to permit the prosecution: 20 (a) Of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the con- 21 sent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her 22 behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law; 23 ... 43 (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution: 44 (a) Of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the con- 45 sent of the pregnant female, or person authorized by law to act on her 46 behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law. 47 (... It also specifies that this legislation does not apply to Idaho’s abortion statutes. The need for this legislation became apparent when it was found that misdemeanor battery was the likely maximum charge that could be made against a man in Idaho, who threw a pregnant woman to the ground and brutally and repeatedly kicked her in the ...
25 Sep 2024
2 hits
... Full Bill Information Individual Links: Bill Text Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note H0460 by SCOTT AND NATE ABORTION – Adds to and repeals existing law to provide that abortion shall be illegal and that the attorney general shall direct state agencies to enforce this law. 01/24 Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing 01/25 Reported Printed and Referred to Ways  Means Who’s My Legislator? State Senate P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0081 P: 208-332-1000 |...
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25 Sep 2024
3 hits
... Full Bill Information Individual Links: Bill Text Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Legislative Co-sponsors S1385 by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ABORTION – Adds to existing law to provide for the offense of criminal abortion, to provide penalties, to provide affirmative defenses, and to provide exceptions. 03/02 Introduced; read first time; referred to JR for Printing 03/03 Reported Printed;... on 03/19/20 Signed by Governor on 03/24/20     Session Law Chapter 284     Effective: When the US Supreme Court or the US Constitution restores to the states their authority to prohibit abortion. Who’s My Current Legislator? State Senate P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0081 P: 208-332-1000 | F: 208-334-2320 Public Records Request: P: 208-334-2475 E: prr@lso.idaho.gov House of Representatives P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0038 P: 208-332-1000 ...
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25 Sep 2024
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... Full Bill Information Individual Links: Bill Text Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note H0525 by STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE PUBLIC MONEYS – Adds to existing law to prohibit governments in this state from expending funds to a provider of abortion and to provide exceptions. 02/20 Introduced, read first time, referred to JRA for Printing 02/21 Reported Printed and Referred to State Affairs 03/02 Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for Second Reading 03/03 Read second time; Filed for Third Reading Rules Suspended: Ayes 69 Nays 0 Abs/Excd 1, read in full as required – PASSED - 52-17-1 AYES – Addis, Amador, Anderson, Anderst, Andrus, Armstrong, Barbieri, Blanksma, Boyle, Chaney, Christensen, ...
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